• Contact

    To stay up to date with the latest information for CAP 2024, please follow our social media:
    For matters related to the local organization (LOC)
    For matters related to the scientific content of the conference  (SOC)

    Ramasamy Venugopal
    CAP 2024 SOC Co-Chair
    IAU Office of Astronomy for Development
    Email: rv@astro4dev.org
    Samir Dhurde
    CAP 2024 SOC Co-Chair
    Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
    Email: samir@iucaa.in
    Kelly Blumenthal
    CAP 2024 SOC Co-Chair
    IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach
    Email: blumenthal.kelly@oao.iau.org

    For any accreditation request, please contact f.seroussi@semeccel.com .

    Find information about la Cite de l'espace

  • An equipment FOR

    Avenue Jean Gonord
    BP 25855
    31506 Toulouse CEDEX 5.
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    monday to friday from 2pm to 5pm
    Toulouse, European Capital of Aeronautics and Space  
    Event PlanneR
    Registration contact

    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

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    Organisation congrès scientifique Toulouse