• Call for abstracts and Grant applications for the conference were closed on February 29 and the results have been announced. Please see below. 


    The time allocation is as follows. Note that all times listed include Q&A:
    • Keynote talk presentation: 45 minutes
    • Plenary talk presentation: 20 minutes
    • Parallel session – oral presentation: 10 minutes
    • Parallel session – panel discussion: 60 minutes
    • Parallel session – demonstration: 20 minutes
    • Parallel session – workshop: 60 minutes
    • Each room used for the conference will be equipped with a laptop, projector, and video and audio connector.
    • At least two hours before your talk - please bring your presentation on a USB drive as a PowerPoint file (PPT) to the uploading room (Polaris) to upload and review your presentation into our system. Please bring a PDF version of your talk as a back-up. Technicians will be at your service to help you upload the presentation from your USB drive. No direct upload in the Conference rooms will be possible.
      • As a presenter, it is your responsibility to ensure all pictures, videos and audio display and play correctly in the presentation.
      • Please keep in mind that many other people may be in a queue to upload their presentations. We suggest you upload your presentation as early as possible to ensure there are no issues with time.
      • The uploading room (Polaris) will be open every day of the conference from 08:00 to the end of sessions.
    • Please arrive in your allocated session room at least 15 minutes before the session and be seated near the front for easy access to the stage.The rooms will open 15 minutes before each session: e.g. 08:45 in the morning and 13:45 in the afternoon).
    • Monday 24 June: Onsite presenters . You will be contacted to send your presentation the week before.
    Technical recommandations for the onsite presentations:
    If you are using Mac:
    • If you have prepared your presentation in Mac PowerPoint format, please be aware it will be broadcasted from a PC. We highly recommend that you test your presentation in a Windows system beforehand
    • In order to avoid any PC and Mac compatibility issues, we strongly recommend that you only use fonts that are common to both system (Arial, Courier, Courier New, Geneva, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, Times New Roman).

    If your presentation uses digital video file:
    • The videos will not be directly projected in the room and must be included in your PowerPoint presentation.
    • Videos must be in the following formats: .wmv, .mov, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg
    • Please make sure the video files are saved in the same folder as your PowerPoint presentation and, if necessary, correct the link to the video (see example below):[FOLDER]|-- my_file.ppt |-- movie_1.avi |-- movie_2.avi
    Virtual Speaker check-in 
    • The online presentations will be done trough Microsoft Teams. Kindly ensure your computer is setup with Teams https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/log-in.
    • When it is time for you to present,  you will need to share your presentation on Microsoft Teams. Depending on your computer’s security settings, you may need to relaunch the platform the first time you share your screen through Microsoft Teams. Please ensure this feature is working properly before it is your time to present. Kindly familiarize yourself on screen sharing in Microsoft Teams.
    • Please log at least 30 minuts before your talk; you will be connected once the previous presentation is finished. Please note that if you are simultaneously watching the session via the Webapp, ther may be a time delay between the livestream and your time to present.
    • One link is planned for one or two sessions. If you are rescheduled, please follow the right link.
    • The teams links will be available in your "Virtual studio".
    • To access your personal virtual studio, click on the "My profile" (top right of the screen) section of the CAP24 webapp. Once on your profile, access to the Speaker's area (velvet button below the "Update my profile" and "See my participant's profile" buttons.) and then, reach out the session you will be speaking in. 

    Online presentation interaction
    • The interactions between the online presenter and the onsite room will be through Microsoft Teams.
    • Onsite questions are asked directly to the Chair
    • Online questions are made through the Webapp session chat and asked by the Chair
    • Online presenters will answer directly questions from the audience trough Microsoft Teams.
    To have your poster displayed at the venue, you must attend the conference in-person. The posters will be displayed during the whole conference and a special session is arranged to present posters each morning in parallel with the coffee break. You are required to be around them during that time.
    • Posters should be in a Portrait layout with a maximum size of A0 (dimensions: 841 x 1189 mm, portrait layout).
    • Posters will be displayed on grid panels in the Sirius room. One number will be attributed to your poster.
    • Opening hours:
      • Monday, 24 June to Thursday, 27 June: 08:00 - 17:00
      • Friday, 28 June: 08:00 - 13:30 ; the posters must be removed before 14:00.
    • The organisers are unable to print your poster. Kindly print your poster in advance of the conference.
    • Please provide for your attachment system / hook
    • You may also choose to submit the digital file (see above) so that your poster is available online as well. You will receive a personal link by email to submit your e-poster.
    Online presentation
    • Your poster should be in pdf format, 1 page - A0 Format
    • The title of your document should not contain spaces, accents or special characters 
    • If you are attending the conference virtually, please share your poster in PDF format.
    • You will receive a personal link by email to submit your e-poster.
    • Room: Labo1
    • Capacity 24 people (presenter included)
    • Set up: 4 tables – 24 chairs
    If you need an empty space, we let you arrange the room set up – volunteers will help.
    At the end of the session, please restore the set up as it was.
    • Room opening: 13 :45 everyday
    • Room equipment: wifi – HDMI (screen and sound) – electricity (do not gorget your power adaptor).
    No livestream in the room.
    • If you want a classic presentation (standing presentation), you can upload it in the uploading room (Polaris) and it will automatically be projected in the room screen (through the conference laptop in the room)
    If you need to project content from your laptop for another king of presentation, you can use the HDMI to project direct in the room. No direct upload in the room with the conference laptop.
  • Selected Presenters


    The SOC is also offering English language editing support to applicants who may need it. This support is limited to editing/language but not the content or idea of the abstract. We hope this support can help to reduce barriers, especially for applicants whose native language may not be English. To request support, please send your abstract to cap2024@oao.iau.org with the subject “Language editing support”.

    Deadline: February 29, 2024
    The following criteria were used for selection scoring by the SOC:
    – relevance to CAP conference (purely education-oriented contributions are more suitable for the Shaw-IAU workshop on astronomy for education)
    – Problem addressed
    – Activities conducted
    – Innovation
    – Results or impact
    – Three things that participants will learn from the submission

    Deadline for Abstracts and Grant submissions has been extended to February 29


    Dec. 20, 


    abstracts,  grants and early registration open

    February 15 29


    deadline for abstracts and grant

    March 31, April 5 


    announcement of abstracts and grants selection

    April 21, 2024


    regular registration open

    May 31,


    deadline to request visa invitation letter

    June 15, 2024


    final program announced


    The IAU is able to provide a few grants to support those who have limited means of support, e.g., colleagues from economically less privileged countries and/or young professional communicators or scientists. Grants can be used to attend the conference online or in person.
    All grant applicants should first submit an abstract. Grant applications without a corresponding abstract submission will NOT be considered. You will not be awarded a grant if your abstract is not accepted.
    In addition to completing this form, please download and complete the IAU Grant Application Form at https://www.iau.org/static/meetings/GrantSymposium.pdf (use “CAP 2024” in the meeting number field). You will need to submit it with this form below.
    Please use the same email address you used for Abstract Submission and Registration, as this will be used to link them to your Grant Application.

    You must submit an abstract before applying to a grant.

  • An equipment FOR

    Avenue Jean Gonord
    BP 25855
    31506 Toulouse CEDEX 5.
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    monday to friday from 2pm to 5pm
    Toulouse, European Capital of Aeronautics and Space  
    Event PlanneR
    Registration contact

    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 - Montbonnot Saint Martin / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

    © 2005 - 2023 Insight Outside

    Organisation congrès scientifique Toulouse