• Annette S. Lee

    Annette S. Lee, DSc, PhD, MFA is an award-winning artist, scientist, and civic engagement leader whose unique talents connects ideas across seemingly impossible divides. She is a world-class researcher, professional artist, and keeper of traditional knowledge, with bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees in mathematics, physics, and astrophysics, as well as a bachelor and two master’s degrees in fine arts and motion media design, all from top universities, including Yale and Berkeley. Dr Lee has worked as an expert consultant for UNESCO, curated prestigious exhibitions, served as a world-class science communicator, and presented keynotes to organizations and at major conferences around the world.

     After two decades of success in higher education including tenured full professor in Physics/Astronomy at St. Cloud State University and Planetarium Director, Lee recently stepped away from this role to work full-time as an independent artist-scientist. Currently she is the Executive Director of Native Skywatchers 501-c3 Nonprofit and continues as an Honorary/Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Queensland in the Centre for Astrophysics in Australia. Annette is mixed-race Native American of Lakota, Irish and Chinese ancestry with Ojibwe community affiliation.

    Spirits Dancing - A Night Sky Experience: Indigenous Relationship to Sky through Light and Sound​

    Have you ever seen the sky turn brilliant green, glowing, and undulating, moving as if a giant flame of dancing light? Have you ever sat in a chair under the Milky Way and bathed in celestial starlight? Celestial phenomenon has been a tremendous source of astronomical inspiration for humanity, inspiring both fear and awe.

    Presented here will be the process and highlights of an Indigenous-designed, human centered digital production “Spirits Dancing – A Night Sky Immersive Experience”. This large-scale intermedia installation communicates an Indigenous-based relationship with sky focusing on Jiibayag Niimi’idiway (Ojibwe-Aurora) and Wanagi Thachanku, Road of the Spirits (Dakota-Milky Way). Drawing from insights of the newly released book, “Spirits Dancing: The Night Sky, Indigenous Knowledge, and Living Connections to the Cosmos” written by A. Lee in collaboration with T. Novitsky, this digital production brings together, our human relationship with light, sound, and motion.

    In this time of multiple global challenges here in the 21st century, our human legacy of connection to night sky brings us back to awe and hope for the present. Native culture and knowledge systems offer a springboard for all to remember relationship to sky as a place dense with science, art, and culture. This work, “Spirits Dancing – A Night Sky Immersive Experience”, challenges us all to look up and imagine a future where we can be proud to be part of the human species.
    Kai Uwe Schrogl

    Professor Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl is since 2016 the President of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), the global association of space lawyers from more than 50 countries. He served from 2014 to 2016 as Chair of the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Kai-Uwe Schrogl works for the European Space Agency ESA as Special Advisor for Political Affairs, He has written or co-edited 20 books and more than 140 articles, reports and papers in the fields of space policy and law.

    How can we preserve the night sky? Legal and policy considerations

    Professor Dr.Schrogl’s talk will deal with the threats to the night sky through light pollution, which laws and regulations are already in place and what additional new rules we should establish to further be able to conduct ground-based astronomy and to maintain the night sky for humans and animals
    Guilherme Frederico Marranghello

    Guilherme Frederico Marranghello has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, is a Physics and Astronomy Professor at Universidade Federal do Pampa since 2006 and works with science communication since the International Year of Astronomy. Guilherme was the director of the Planetário da Unipampa from 2016 to 2023 and is a member of the International Planetarium Society working as vice-coordinator of the Centennial of the Planetarium celebrations.

    Planetariums: 100 Years Communicating Astronomy with the Public

    The commissioning of the first planetarium projector took place in 1923 and, on May 7, 1925, the world’s first planetarium opened its doors to the public in the Deutsches Museum, in Munich. For this reason, the planetarium community is celebrating the Centennial of the Planetarium, from 2023 to 2025, with the slogan: "The Stars were Just the Beginning". During the last 100 years, we have learned a lot  about the Sun, our own Solar System, Stars, Galaxies and the many facets of our expanding universe. We have also developed technology to land on the Moon and land rovers on Mars. The same 100 years were shared with the evolving planetarium. The talk will briefly present the history of the planetarium and its intricate evolution with our astronomical knowledge, from the first display of stars to the multiple possibilities that a digital dome presents today. We have more than 4000 planetariums all around the world, not perfectly distributed, but present in all continents. Opto-mechanical projectors, digital and hybrid technologies under fixed and mobile domes. We have small 5m planetariums to giant domes that can seat hundreds of people. This variety of planetariums opens many possibilities of communication with the public. For this reason, besides introducing the upcoming centennial celebrations, I’ll also present the possibilities/challenges of Communicating Astronomy with the Public in a Planetarium.  
    Maram Kairé

    Systems engineer and astronomer, Commander of the National Order of the Lion (The Order of the Lion is the highest distinction in Senegal), Maram KAIRE has become, since May 14, 2021, the first Senegalese to have his name attributed to an object of the Solar System with the naming of the asteroid (35462) Maramkaire by the International Astronomical Union. Ranked in December 2022 by JEUNE AFRIQUE Magazine among “THE 30 WHO MAKE THE AFRICA OF TOMORROW”, He also entered, in 2021, the prestigious ranking of “500 most influential Africans in the world”. Maram KAIRE is the first African to receive, in 2023, the Marcel MOYE Prize from the Société Astronomique de France. 

    Between 2018 and 2021, he coordinated three (3) important NASA missions carried out in Senegal for stellar occultations by asteroids. This, as part of the NEW HORIZONS and LUCY space missions, which will visit, between 2025 and 2033, a group of 8 Trojan asteroids. He is a former Technical Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, launched the project for the first Senegalese satellite in 2016 and is behind the creation of the Senegalese Agency for Space Studies (ASES) in 2023, of which he was appointed Director General by the President of the Republic of Senegal.
    Olivier Berné

    Olivier Berné is a CNRS senior scientist at the Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology in Toulouse. Since 2017, he is one of the leading scientists of one of the thirteen international teams selected for the first scientific observations with the James Webb Space Telescope as part of the Early Release Science programs. The image of the Orion Nebula produced by Berné’s team with the support of S. Fuenmayor was featured on the cover of Science magazine’s issue presenting some of the results of this observing program. 
    Salomé Fuenmayor

     Salomé Fuenmayor is a Venezuelan graphic designer. After completing her graphic design studies at the Universidad de los Andes, she founded Híbrido Estudio de Diseño, a company dedicated to visual communication, where her passion for conception and innovation led her to collaborate on graphic and identity projects for national and international companies. In 2022, she collaborated with the CNRS through the IRAP laboratory in Toulouse. Her work involved processing images taken by NASA's James Webb Telescope, assembling and coloring the first images of the Orion Nebula.

    The power of images: the case of the James Webb Space Telescope :
    The James Webb Space Telescope is revolutionizing our physical understanding of the universe. But it also has profound implications on how the general public perceives the cosmos. Every week, new images from the space telescope are produced and distributed by astronomers, communicators and space agencies. This communication effort contributes to producing a new cosmogony, but it is also very formatted and highly controlled by space agencies. In this presentation, we will describe the fabric, the politics, and the impact of JWST images on the scientific community and on the general public. We will rely on our own experience as a scientist and graphic designer, both members of one of the first observing programs executed on the JWST dedicated to the Orion Nebula.

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